Sustainable urban development in Ivory Coast

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Witteveen+Bos is working on the Abidjan Sustainable Urban Development project in Ivory Coast. The project has five main components:

  • Sustainable urban development: planned and controlled growth of Abidjan and surrounding region
  • Air quality: monitoring air quality and reduction of emissions, particularly from road traffic
  • Sustainable urban infrastructure: improved sustainable mobility (public transport and slow-moving traffic) and climate adaptation measures to mitigate the risk of flooding and erosion
  • Waste management: consultancy services for a pilot project involving the construction of a composting plant
  • Capacity building and knowledge management for government agencies at all levels. 

To date, Witteveen+Bos has organised various stakeholder workshops, conducted several analyses and has held meetings with ministries, government agencies and local stakeholders. The concrete output from these activities includes a funding application which enjoys broad support, a ‘climate stress test’ and various ‘Terms of reference’ documents for activities for which funding is to be sought. A local partner was able to provide valuable assistance on a number of points. The project is part of the Sustainable Cities initiative being run under the auspices of the Global Environmental Facility. Funding is channelled through various international agencies, including the African Development Bank. Potential beneficiaries must list and describe the project activities for which funding is sought. The Global Environment Facility approved the funding application prepared by Witteveen+Bos in December 2016.