Reducing the drinking water leakage in Oman

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Witteveen+Bos, HULO, Blue Gold Technology and YAS CE will test a unique approach to reduce leaks in part of the drinking water network in Muscat, the capital of Oman.

Oman’s drinking and wastewater company, Nama Water Services (NWS), is experiencing significant losses of so-called non-revenue water in certain areas. NWS wants to reduce these losses, preferably in the most efficient way possible. Targeted and rapid detection of underground leaks plays a crucial in this process. A matter of a lot of measuring and fieldwork. In this pilot, the parties involved are combining their expertise to identify leaks more quickly and accurately.

Witteveen+Bos is handling the project management and making a technical contribution with analyses of the hydraulic network models and of the various databases containing client, water consumption and network infrastructure data. HULO is developing specific algorithms to detect and track leaks. Blue Gold Technology will conduct field measurements using proven techniques. YAS CE provides on-site operational support.

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