Panorama Local prize for Tilburg-Noord plan

Together with bureau Ruimtevolk, Witteveen+Bos has been awarded the Panorama Local prize for the plan for the Tilburg-Noord district. The jury praised the refined and complete analysis and the believable and fresh approach.
Witteveen+Bos studied how the energy transition offers concrete opportunities for the challenges of Tilburg-Noord. Together with Ruimtevolk, these interventions are linked to the overarching strategy for the district.
Mario Jacobs, the councillor for the municipality of Tilburg, describes it as a plan that offers prospects for action, which can be started tomorrow: 'The team that finds the key in Tilburg-Noord to link the challenges of the district with the landscape could be involved long term in the strategic development agenda to achieve changes together with active residents and professionals.'
Ruimtevolk and Witteveen+Bos will shortly be entering into discussions with the municipality of Tilburg to explore the options for implementing ideas in close consultation with coalition parties, residents and other stakeholders. They will also see whether the winners and their plan can join the Living Lab that Tilburg is organising for the Landscape Triennial which is being held in April 2021.