Making circular targets SMART

Published on {{ $filters.formatDateWithYear(1710198000000) }}

Rijkswaterstaat aims to be climate-neutral and circular by 2030. To achieve this ambition, the organisation wants to integrate and ensure sustainability in the internal contract award process.

Within Rijkswaterstaat, it has already been mandatory to include sustainability in internal contracting since 2020. This approach is laid down in a sustainability paragraph in the internal order form and a client requirement specifications (CRS) sustainability document, as well as in other documents.

Rijkswaterstaat asked Witteveen+Bos to evaluate the process and the standard texts. This evaluation led to the conclusion that more awareness is needed within the organisation and that the CRS must be formulated in a more SMART (Specific, Measurable, Acceptable, Realistic and Time-bound) manner. Witteveen+Bos handled this in collaboration with RWS.

These sustainable CRS allow asset managers to specify at different levels (such as theme, raw material and object type, R-ladder) where they want to achieve circular gains. This helps make circularity an integrated part of a project and contribute to a climate-neutral way of working.

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