KoopWijsPrijs for Cruquius bridge

During an event held by PIANOo on 14 December 2021, it was announced that the 2021 KoopWijsPrijs – an award recognising socially responsible procurement – had gone to the Province of North Holland for its Cruquius Bridge project. Witteveen+Bos provided the province with support during preparations and tendering and is currently supporting the construction team phase for the replacement of the Cruquius Bridge. The new bridge will be designed sustainably and in accordance with IFD principles (industrial, flexible, demountable).
The KoopWijsPrijs is an initiative of the Government of the Netherlands and is awarded annually to an ambitious, innovative, or otherwise remarkable project in the field of socially responsible procurement (SRP). In the coming years, tens of thousands of bridges in the Netherlands will need to be replaced or renovated. The new Cruquius Bridge (towards Heemstede; the bridge towards Hoofddorp will be renovated) is the first bridge in the Netherlands to be built in a circular, energy-neutral and low-maintenance manner.
Ambitions for Cruquius Bridge
The Province of North Holland has high ambitions for the new Cruquius Bridge. In 2022, the bridge will be built in a manner that is as energy-neutral, circular and low-maintenance as possible. An energy-neutral bridge is self-sufficient and generates as much energy as it consumes.
Circular building means using raw materials efficiently and intelligently and reusing materials as much as possible. Modular construction principles will also be applied, with ready-made modules being manufactured in the factory. The modules can be joined and, together, comprise the bridge. The advantage is that the modules are easy to disassemble in the event that one needs to be replaced, and all the modules are suitable for reuse.
How the bridge can be constructed so that as little maintenance as possible will be required is also being investigated. This will result in less disruption to traffic in the future. The Cruquius Bridge is a good example of how innovative technology can help contribute to reducing carbon emissions.
In 2021, Van Hattum en Blankevoort and Hollandia Infra collaborated intensively with the Province of North Holland as part of a construction team, with Witteveen+Bos supporting the Province in its role. In a construction team, all parties develop the definitive integrated design together. The works agreements are expected to commence in early 2022, after which the contractor can begin preparatory works. According to the current plans, all work will be completed by the end of 2023.
Photo credits: YourWeddingPhotos, Peter Lammers