Exploiting industrial residual heat

Published on {{ $filters.formatDateWithYear(1546210800000) }}

Witteveen+Bos and Rotterdam Engineering have been commissioned by the Rotterdam Port Authority and Gasunie to map out the business case for connecting industrial companies and a geothermal source to the heat network which is to be developed throughout the province of South Holland. This regional heat network is being developed by numerous parties that have come together to form the South Holland Heat Alliance (Warmtealliantie Zuid-Holland), including the Rotterdam Port Authority, Gasunie, the Province of South Holland, Eneco, Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam and the municipality of Rotterdam.

The companies that will supply heat to the network each have between 5 and 200 MW of residual heat available. Ultimately, a regional heat network throughout South Holland is expected to have the potential to supply heat to 500,000 households, part of the horticulture sector and some businesses. Rotterdam Engineering is providing its extensive specialist knowledge of the underground infrastructure in Rotterdam. This will be used to determine the pipeline route that will be needed to transport the residual heat from the companies to the heat network, which is essential for making an accurate estimate of the business case. Witteveen+Bos is contributing to the project by sharing its knowledge of exploiting industrial residual waste and connecting installations, including issues such as safety, security of supply and feasibility. The Port Authority and the companies involved will work together closely to ensure this project is a success.

+ raphael.van.der.velde@witteveenbos.com

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