Delfland and Rijnland district water control boards award master contract to Witteveen+Bos

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Engineering and consulting agency Witteveen+Bos was awarded two master contracts for engineering services on 30 March 2017, both by district water control boards. Under the contract awarded by the Rijnland district water control board, Witteveen+Bos will carry out projects covered by the three lots of water management works, treatment works and dredging. The second contract, covering both the Rijnland and the Delfland district water control board, assigns to Witteveen+Bos the lots for policy advice, process and planning advice, studying of systematic analysis of water quality, studying of water level ordinances, systematic water quantity analyses and advice on and research into the water supply chain.

Master contract from Rijnland district water control board

The engineering services master contract has a term of two years, with two options for renewal by one year. As part of the lot for water management works, the activities in the coming years are likely to include water storage facilities, watercourse widening, construction/alteration of pumping stations and the building and upgrading of flood defences. Within the lot for treatment works, the activities will include providing advice on wastewater plants, transmission pumps and transmission pipelines. The dredging lot concerns dredging work in watercourses in polders and drainage canals.

Master contract from Rijnland and Delfland district water control boards

The contract with the two district water control boards covers policy, process and planning and research. The contractual term is two years, with two options for renewal by one year. Advice on policy is likely to include the updating of policy; the lot assigned for process and planning includes work such as project management; the lot for studying a systematic analysis of water quality provides for performance of emission analyses and ecological intervention/impact relationships: the lot for studying water level ordinances and systematic water quantity analyses includes hydrological analyses of the water system, while the water supply chain consulting and research lot includes drawing up integral sewage and water supply chain plans.


Through these master contracts, Witteveen+Bos will prolong its long-standing cooperation with both of these district water control boards. They both rated Witteveen+Bos particularly good in terms of quality. The four criteria for this rating – demonstrable verification, demonstrable validation, customer satisfaction and accessibility of information – all received ratings of ‘excellent’ or ‘good’. Another key factor was the experience of Witteveen+Bos in the field of systems engineering.