Chilling out in Amsterdam

We are currently experiencing the longest heat wave ever! Some of us are enjoying it, others are finding it a challenge. Where can you cool off in the city when temperatures are rising? A map has been developed to help city dwellers find places to chill out. The 'Koele Plekken Checker' shows how hot it feels in the city and where to find a cool spot.
Did you know that it can be 2 degrees cooler in the Amsterdamse Bos - Amsterdam Forest than in the rest of the city? Many people obviously know where to find the popular cool spots. On the hottest days, however, the map shows that every neighbourhood has its own cool spots - although we realise that it is hot everywhere now. The map also shows where it has been relatively quiet or busy in recent weeks. This means you can find a cool(er) and quiet place in the city.
Apparent temperature
On this map, we record the apparent temperature. This is different to the actual air temperature. The air temperature is measured in a weather station. The apparent temperature indicates how people perceive the temperature in a certain weather situation. In some places, that temperature can soar. If the measured air temperature is 30ºC, in the sun and out of the wind it might feel more like 40ºC. As a built-up area with a relative lack of green spaces, the city heats up more than other areas.
Coping with the heat
In these extreme temperatures, Amsterdam and the GGD are devoting extra attention to vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and small children. We provide information to residents and organisations like nurseries or care homes for the elderly. This includes tips on how to cope with the heat and how you can keep yourself cool.
All Amsterdam residents can take measures to cool down their own homes and garden. These tips will help:
- Keep your house cool indoors. Use sun blinds or close the curtains.
- Ventilate and air your house well during the cooler mornings and nights.
- Use fans or (mobile) air conditioning at home.
- Drink lots of fluids (not alcohol).
- Keep yourself cool with water and wind.
- Stay out of the sun and protect your skin.
- Avoid physical exercise.
- Look after yourself and others. Get in touch, also via facetime/video calls.