Certification Safety Culture Ladder extended

Published on {{ $filters.formatDateWithYear(1584918000000) }}

The level-3 Safety Culture Ladder certification, first awarded to Witteveen+Bos in April 2018, was extended by one year in mid-March 2020. Since the beginning of March, 42 Witteveen+Bos staff have been audited for this level-3 Safety Culture Ladder certification. All interviews were held successfully in spite of the corona virus.

In addition to the extension for the previously certified PMCs (product-market combinations), the PMC Process Automation and electrical systems has also been added to the certification. As a result, thirteen PMCs are certified, in addition to three groups and one project. 

Certification for the Safety Culture Ladder indicates that conscious attention is being paid to safety at the business units in question, with the aim of reducing incidents, both oat the offices and at project sites. At a company that is certified on step 3, the most important safety rules have been identified. The explanation of the NEN is as follows: The company adopts a vulnerable approach and assumes responsibility. Involvement in safety and compliance with rules and laws is mainly the task of (senior) management. Attention is given to health and safety, which is valued.’


The following PMCs have been certified:

  • Energy systems
  • Waste water
  • Process automation and electrical systems
  • Environment health and environment
  • Buildings
  • Area development
  • Environmental law and permits
  • Planning Studies and Process Management
  • Urban Development
  • Energy transition
  • Replacement and Renovation Works of art
  • Smart Infra Systems
  • Life Cycle Management

In addition, these groups are certified: Impact studies on nature legislation and policy, Geohydrology and Geohydrology, as well as the E-TargeT project.