Central Government Real Estate Agency awards Witteveen+Bos master contract for BOEI inspections
The Central Government Real Estate Agency recently awarded engineering and consulting agency Witteveen+Bos a master contract for the performance of inspections. The contract for ‘BOEI’ inspections has a term of two years, with two options for renewal by one year. Under the contract, Witteveen+Bos will in association with Helix Advies inspect approximately 150 buildings belonging to central government over a period of four years as part of an asset management programme.
The Central Government Real Estate Agency, part of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, is responsible for all government-owned real estate. The agency selected five parties that in total will inspect 22 parcels (lots) each of 150,000 m² gross floor space. The expectation is that Witteveen+Bos and Helix Advies will be responsible for four or five of these lots over a four-year period and thus inspect roughly 150 buildings used by organisations like ministries, the defence forces and prisons.
BOEI inspections are conducted every five years to examine the fire safety, maintenance, energy and legal matters (i.e. to what extent the buildings meet requirements) both of modern and listed buildings. The outcomes of the inspections are used to define maintenance work that the Central Government Real Estate Agency subsequently puts out to tender. The BOEI programme was launched by the Central Government Real Estate Agency ten years ago. The regular inspections (condition tests) for determining the need for maintenance were combined with checks on fire safety, legal compliance and low energy consumption. The information required about the building stock was thus properly updated and by combining inspections there is less inconvenience for building users.
The Central Government Real Estate Agency selected Witteveen+Bos and Helix Advies based on their good price/quality ratio and because they hold the right ISO 9001 certificate. For Witteveen+Bos this contract will broaden its consulting services in the asset management field and at the same time it offers an opportunity to allow staff members to develop further in terms of BOEI inspections. A start will be made on inspecting the first lot towards the end of March.