Bottom-up participatory approach to WASH

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The African Water Corridor (AWC), an international consortium in which Witteveen+Bos is represented by our colleague Jasper Schakel, is introducing a bottom-up and participatory approach that mobilises consumers (with the necessary tools and knowledge) to build their own infrastructure for washing hands. This iWash methodology can be used as a design tool to increase the local capacity for Water Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH).

The Ghanaian deltas are witnessing high population growth and rapid urbanisation. Overexploitation of ground and surface water is already taking place and estimates suggest the need for water is going to increase exponentially. The high population growth, however, means that overconsumption and pollution jeopardise a safe water supply. In the interest of Sustainable Development Goal 6 (clean water and sanitation), the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has provided a capacity development subsidy to the AWC to carry out the iWash project with local partner KNUST. The project will run from 2020-2023 and is aimed at preventing the further spread of COVID-19. Improved hand-washing facilities will also contribute to an increased standard of living for the people who reside in the Ghanaian deltas.

Want to know more about iWash? Visit or watch the video, made in honour of the 179th Dies Natalis – in other words, the 179-year existence of TU Delft.