Stakeholders review design proposals for their own neighbourhood

Municipality of Valkenswaard

Witteveen+Bos created an YourView platform for the Municipality of Valkenswaard. It enabled stakeholders to review design proposals for their own neighbourhoods and post concerns or suggestions regarding specific locations. The Municipality and Witteveen+Bos are using the input to optimise the design in accordance with the local community’s wishes. 

Background to use of YourView by Valkenswaard

Residents’ meetings are time-consuming and offer a poor reflection of the average resident, in part due to the planning of daily obligations. As many stakeholders as possible needed to be reached, and it was necessary to ensure that they could also participate from home. InBeeld made this possible.

Implementation of YourView

The platform was used by many stakeholders. They were given insight into the project and they provided their own input. More than 120 responses from the local community offered a good picture of the relevant issues. After the start of the corona crisis, the platform kept stakeholders informed of progress and presented the design to working and sounding board groups – all remotely.

Achieved success for Municipality of Valkenswaard

During the corona crisis, this platform proved a perfectly suitable tool for keeping stakeholders involved. YourView provided a large number of visualisations which clarified the design. These were also shared via the platform, which optimised communication with those involved. As well as this, the Municipality were given a good insight into the mood of the local community and into the stakeholders’ primary concerns.

If you would like more information about Yourview, visit the website (Dutch).


YourView helps you create an online participation environment with just a few mouse clicks.
A woman with her laptop on her lap. She is looking at her screen which shows an YourView environment.

More information?

As product engineer, Lieke works on the further development and marketing of Witteveen+Bos' digital products. This includes the YourView platform.