Greater stakeholder involvement in redevelopment of Houtplein

Municipality of Haarlem

The Municipality of Haarlem wanted to allow stakeholders to participate as much as possible in the decision-making process during the redevelopment of Houtplein and other parts of the city. To achieve this, the Municipality used YourView. YourView featured the Municipality’s own house style and informed stakeholders about the planning and background information. The platform also offered space for responses to and updates on the project.

Background to use YourView

The Houtplein project had been started earlier but did not get off the ground due to enormous pressure from the local community. During this second attempt, the local community needed to be better involved and the various stakeholders had to be listened to as much as possible. That is why YourView was used.

Success achieved 

There was an enormous amount of involvement from stakeholders. The platform collected over 300 responses from the local community within a month. The stakeholders were positive about the platform’s use.

The first successful phase led to a follow-up phase in which traffic variants were also shared via the platform. All input was traceable and easy to process. This was a significant improvement in efficiency compared with the Post-its and flip charts typically used at residents’ meetings. 

In a short time, many responses were received on the platform. This was partly due to the Municipality’s effective promotion of it. Promotion forms an important part of YourView's success.

If you would like to know more about YourView, visit the website. (Dutch)


YourView helps you create an online participation environment with just a few mouse clicks.
A woman with her laptop on her lap. She is looking at her screen which shows an YourView environment.

More information?

As product engineer, Martijn works on the further development and marketing of Witteveen+Bos' digital products. This includes the YourView platform.

Martijn Nieuwenhuijseg.png
Martijn Nieuwenhuijse Product engineer