Participation essential in widening of A58


Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) has the task of turning the A58 into a smart and sustainable motorway. To do this, the road is being widened between the interchanges at Sint-Annabosch and Galder, and between Eindhoven and Tilburg. It will go from being two to three lanes in both directions. RWS wants to encourage innovations in lifespan, sustainability and new mobility services and apply them to the A58 as much as possible. Participation is, therefore, an essential part of the exploration phase.

The platform

The YourView platform showed the entire route of the widened A58. It was completely fitted out in RWS’s house style and zoomed in on nine special locations. By using the platform, RWS identified the precise consequences for the nature areas around the A58 and how it intends to deal with them. 

Implementation of InBeeld for A58

For two years, the platform was online and people could participate. It was mainly used to view the latest design and to keep abreast of progress.

Success achieved

The successes achieved by the YourView platform for Rijkswaterstaat: 

- Several hundred unique visitors per month;

- The project becoming clearer and more transparent for stakeholders;

- Stakeholders being able to see each other’s input and learn more about the project as a result.

If you would like to know more about YourView, visit the website (Dutch).


YourView helps you create an online participation environment with just a few mouse clicks.
A woman with her laptop on her lap. She is looking at her screen which shows an YourView environment.

More information?

As product engineer, Lieke works on the further development and marketing of Witteveen+Bos' digital products. This includes the YourView platform.