Renewable offshore energy
Crucial part in future supply

Globally, the transition to more sustainable energy sources is in full swing. In addition to the ambitions of the Climate Agreement to halve (2030) and reduce CO2 emissions (2050), security of supply and affordability are also current factors. Renewable offshore energy plays a central role in our energy supply for the future.
Witteveen+Bos' consulting engineers have broad and global expertise in this specialist domain. Our services in the field of renewable offshore energy include:
- Spatial studies and EIAs for windfarms, solar farms, hydrogen platforms, pipelines, and AC/DC cables
- Ecological studies; marine and terrestrial, Nature Inclusive Design
- Morphological and hydrological studies
- Wind Resource Assessment
- Energy system integration and LCoE studies; storage and grid
- Design and calculations on (floating) WTG foundations
- Circularity
- Power-to-X
- Public involvement
- Harbor design
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Koen Haans