
From research to integrated solutions

Groundwater is an important source of drinking water. However, more and more sources are running dry due to excessive use. In deltas, groundwater extraction leads to land subsidence. Witteveen+Bos analyses and studies the underlying (geo)hydrological processes in order to formulate integrated solutions.

Precipitation discharge

Using models, we analyse precipitation discharge processes and investigate measures to reduce peak discharges, such as modifying the drainage and water disposal system and land-use adjustments such as reforestation.

To this end, we use various precipitation discharge concepts, including Wflow and HBV. We apply these models in projects, for example, for which we draw up sustainable and integrated catchment area plans and measures to retain water in the catchment area.


We carry out several projects in the field of sustainable drinking water supply. One of our projects is implementing geohydrological and geotechnical analyses to identify potential groundwater locations and conduct surveys to detect fresh groundwater. We also design sustainable concepts for the use of groundwater, including Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR).

Finally, we conduct ecohydrological and integrated systems analyses for the restoration of groundwater-dependent (natural) areas. This includes establishing measures for the recovery of the seepage and groundwater levels, in conjunction with the local environment. We use various modelling software for this purpose, including Modflow, iMOD, FloPy, MetaSWAP and time series analysis software Pastas.



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