The story of Victor Sergeef

Hello, my name’s Victor Sergeef and I’m 27 years old. I’m an environmental scientist and environmental manager by training; I started working at Witteveen+Bos as an area consultant and environmental coordinator immediately after graduating. The diversity of projects at Witteveen+Bos  is what I’m most attracted by.

Working in the Environment sector, you quickly come into contact with lots of other sectors: Energy, Soil, Water, Air and Urban Planning, among others. All of these are disciplines in which Witteveen+Bos is active. By working closely with experts in various fields, we’re able to share knowledge in the best possible way. What’s more, as an environmental consultant I can provide suitable advice to clients on environmental issues.

I also enjoy being able to work on projects as part of a team, even if it means working on location. Site visits provide variety, making my job interesting and giving me the opportunity, right from the start, to tackle assignments head on.

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