Impact Studies

We work on projects with potential impacts on the environment, conduct impact research at various levels, and provide support for complex projects.

We also handle Plan-EIAs as part of our portfolio. Our expertise ranges from developing frameworks for plans to providing planning certificates for spatial policy plans and strategic environmental impact assessments.

As we take on the coordination of impact research, we utilize the expertise of other groups within and outside of Witteveen+Bos to address the various disciplines involved in the research.

In concrete terms, we provide support to partners in developing:

  • Project Environmental Impact Assessments (Project-EIAs)
  • Plan Environmental Impact Assessments (Plan-EIAs)
  • Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments (Strategic EIAs)
  • Project environmental impact screenings (Project-EIA-screenings)
  • Plan environmental impact screenings (Plan-EIA-screenings)
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